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• Scroll down a bit just to see if the next video is available, then return here:
– If VIDEO IS VIEWABLE w image present = skip to row of ⭐️s NOW
– If VIDEO IS PRIVATE w black screen = continue reading from here

.. Something about borrowed media, is that one becomes subject to the whims/thoughtful decisions of the Source. The director of “A World of Difference” had once made it “Private”, & I reached out to see if an arrangement could be made so it would still be available here. She graciously made it “Unlisted”, allowing me to at least imbed it. Recently it’s been made unavailable again, so until I’m able to reconnect, allow me to highlight an EXTREMELY POIGNANT MOMENT, which directly connects to what I’LL present below the next video section:

.. Jane shows a Human Pantone chart, displaying a multitude of varied skin tones & shades, but illuminating the fact there are ZERO “black people”
(this chart will be presented in SECTION 3 of TAP)

.. Combining the Human Pantone Chart with her previous statement: “Why are we still calling it ‘The White House’“, I had an epiphany, leading to what follows throughout the entirety of this Educational Resource

.. Again, regarding the other content w/i the video, I will cover, elaborate upon, & prove THE MOST IMPORTANT DATA POINTS in “TAP: SECTION 3: MORE KEYS & MAPS”

.. As to what else is revealed in the interview, you’ll be missing further displays of character, wit, & insight, in addition to learning more about her upbringing, only making one GLAD
Ms. Jane Elliott is backing them in the fight for Education, Equitable Treatment, & the Overall Betterment of Humankind

• Now scroll down to just below the vid window, & continue reading where it says:

• Part 2 – Ignoring the verbal cue of vid (1c) re: “continuing the interview” because remember, I intentionally placed them out of order, you’ve now gotten some deconstructing, rewiring, & a firmer foundation, but here comes the work. Let’s build. A little “clippy” to begin, that’s the director’s choice in trying to get your attention, it smooths out – (45m)



• I truly respect that you’ve continued committing yourself to being better than you were when you started, but if you’re the other person who’s only reading this WITHOUT going thru the required steps/content AT YOUR PACE, you’ve taken advantage of that respect, & right now is your chance to go back & EARN IT




If you’re not a bastard who’s still trying to figure out how to game a system that’s already rigged, then you’ll understand when I say that since we both now KNOW the ridiculousness of the labels White/Black, in my personal life, I’ve already begun using Beige/Bronze where country specificity isn’t required, unless Civilization offers better succinct substitutes, which I doubt, because as basic descriptors, color is the most direct & fastest. I chose these by looking AT the colors themselves. I avoided using “food comparisons” because .. oof .. & make-up suggestions because every brand varies to be unique, & this is not to sell products. Some may feel excluded because Beige is further to middle than “lighter” tones, however, Bronze is further to middle than “richer”, so balance is still maintained. Even those words I used to show pigmentation shifts are both POSITIVE. I didn’t use “paler” or “darker”. You think it’ll be hard to get everyone on board the Beige/Bronze train, watch me. In the Companion Piece, it’s ALL RIGHT THERE, but here’s why most of the resistance to this necessary, inevitable Change will come:

BEIGE may hate it because it sounds plain, but how is it plainer than White, or Vanilla? The illusions of Brightness/Purity is the real “loss”.

BRONZE will hate the perceived loss of strength & power, or that hard “ck” that we know has phonetic panache. Black Beauty, the name of a racehorse. Black is Beautiful, a spin we divined for all the times we were told it wasn’t. Black heart, Black cats, Black death, Black arts, Black eyes, Black lung, Black Speech (for you LotR fans).. the only cool ones I got are Black Holes, because Science, Blacklight, because drugs, & Black Speech (again because LotR ha). As a people we learned to LOVE Black because like everything else, we had to. To survive, to maintain pride, to matter. But I don’t need it to maintain those things if leaving it behind takes us to a greater result than my temporary feels, so don’t @ me w your pro-Black spins. I WILL miss parts of it, but I’m ALREADY LOVING BRONZE (wait until you see what I’ve done with it, check back here June 9th [2020] for more “keys & a map”).

Ideally, both should realize that neither was cheated out of something, choosing to instead see you’re actually “coming closer together”. White/Black as colors are always diametric on a spectrum, Beige/Bronze are nearer to one another, simply “shades of the same” (I nominate for # of the year .. #ShadesOfSame .. But beware of getting text-tripped or tongue-tied = “Shades of shame” haha).

One Ring’s Precious Words
(Remember what to do when seeing “Anything with color next to a of ANY COLOR”, right?)

~ “What about the established movement Black Lives Matter?”
For online communication & solidarity, nothing HAS to change = BLM. So the question is, are you really complaining over the loss of one # .. BlackLivesMatter? ANY object/merch already owned or made can be modified, & THIS is what I’ve done. In times of crisis, people always tell us WHAT we should do, & WHY, but no one ever shows us HOW, making the task seem unrealistic. Well I’ve already done it in a profound way. Again, the supplementary piece will be finished & avail here, June 9th [2020].

~ “If we’re not using “Black” why not just remove the word?”
We shouldn’t remove the word entirely because you’d have “Lives Matter” & though fundamentally true, this seems like a compromise to the “All” dilution, disguised as inclusion, another tool of quiet oppression. June 9th [2020], I’ll show the way to show OUR acknowledgement of history, & a willingness to change through awareness, hopefully inspiring reciprocation.

Now to wrap-up “ALM” nice & neat…

Per the image, I’m Aware enough to never call anyone “racist” simply for saying “ALM”, because it’s okay if they didn’t know, but now they do, now YOU do.. Now you can decide CONSCIOUSLY, if you want to sound racist, or support racist efforts. Only Education stops “accidental racist behaviors”, not accusations. Also, to align with the intent before the image, & continuing forward, to answer “How can we be ‘racists’, if there’s no such thing as ‘race’? *mind-explodes*”. That word can stay. Yes changing words, can lead to changing minds –> attitudes –> behaviors, but you just alter your perception to..

**A racist is someone who believes the concept of ‘race’ still exists, AND uses color &/or country of birth to treat one another poorly.

That “AND” is important. Until the Education of “race was invented to easily kill and subjugate, & continues on to divide & conquer (conquer in multiple meanings)”, a person can’t be blamed for simply “not knowing”. Unlike courts, ignorance can & sometimes should be allowed as an excuse. Most recent laws were created to make it easier for criminals who know/understand the laws to abuse them (white collar crime &/or politics), AND for people to make money FROM those criminals by defending them in court (some lawyers).

To sum up this section, adapting to these new ideas will only have mental obstacles for people, getting used to the “idea” of Beige/Bronze, but when REASON is given, when one is Educated to the reality, when you’re shown examples, you begin to accept it, flow with it, & some will think, “Oh my God, that’s beautiful!”, & they’d be correct 😉 Some will have mental &/or tangible obstacles, Bronze beauty products, flags, already existing merchandise to show pride. Even just the literal physical habit of being USED TO saying certain words, but like any smoker who quits will tell you .. “Getting there sucked, but I’m SO GLAD I did”. Luckily, some of these are just cancers of the mind, but unfortunately still deadly. Again, none of this will be easy, we’ll ALL have work to do, internally &/or externally, but for Fundamental Change, it’s all worth our respective efforts, & WE’LL BE SO GLAD WE DID.

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